Kevin - Traversée de la Manche - Juillet 2024


Dons collectés

28% atteint de mon montant cible 2 500 €

I have been swimming in pool, and in open water for so many years. Then, for the last 4 years, I have been ICE Swimming to try something new, get out of my comfort zone, and push my boundaries.

Now, I am swimming the English Channel to deliver a message. That, whenever the time, and wherever the place we are born, it should never define who we are, what we can do, and certainly not, what we can dream of. We can shape our future. Maybe not just by ourselves, but with others for sure, which is great. « We (may) go faster alone, but we (definitely) go further together ».

With this challenge, I hope it will help me promote "POUR UN SOURIRE D'ENFANT" charity, to raise donations to help Cambodian children dream and change their future.

FAQ / Fiscal arrangements

250 € Collectés

500 € Collectés

1 000 € Collectés

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25 dons reçus

50 dons reçus

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